Definition of PENIS
the part of the body of men and male animals that is used for sex and through which urine leaves the body

Origin of PENIS
Latin, penis, tail; akin to Old High German faselt penis, Greek peos
First Known Use: 1668


According to Darwinians—who use the theory of evolution to explain our behavior—humans are designed to be part monogamous, part promiscuous: The war between the sexes is more or less built into our biology. Men are nature's vehicles of sperm distribution—and they amass power in order to obtain sexual access for themselves. Sultans with harems, rich men with wives and mistresses, are merely following a biological imperative to reproduce. But women, the ones who have the babies, need to be choosier about their mates—they demand fidelity so that their young will be well fed and taken care of.

One gay man described to me what "thinking with your dick" means. "When you're stimulated, you switch into a different mode, and your dick takes over. It's a little like a horse that gets the bit in his mouth and runs. I'm talking about a completely physiological kind of thing. That's why male/male sexuality is so combustible—you've got two combustible elements. There's a lot of sex in semi-public places like men's rooms and bars. They're there, they feel like it and they do it." If this theory is correct then women, with our insistence on decorum, are the only obstacle standing between current courtship practices and a continuous, semipublic, erotic free-for-all.

Source: The Book of the Penis by Maggie Paley 

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